Collect fan data, anytime anywhere.

Own your data with our newest playbook, the Data Collector

We helped thousands of creatives run ads for the first time last year. This year we’re going to help thousands more own their audience.

Introducing Symphony’s newest playbook - the Data Collector, built for a new era of superfans and audience growth ⬇️

With this update, you now have the ability to directly collect fan data: emails, numbers, names, whatever you want, through Symphony. A lot of updates below:

  • 💿 Meet the Data Collector

  • 📝 Collect anything with Custom Fields

  • 🎨 Customize your website with our new Editor

  • 📈 Download + track your fan data

  • 🔗 Connect your pixels to maximize growth

We’ll also be doing a free webinar next Tues, 1pm ET: “Owning your Data on Symphony”, led by myself. It’s open to everyone, and I’ll be sharing specific playbooks on how to use the Data Collector throughout your rollout. RSVP is free.

💿 Meet the Data Collector

When you own data like your audience’s names, numbers, and emails, you have the ability to contact your audience, learn who they are, and sell them things without having to rely on social media or paid ads.

The Data Collector is a fully customizable website, optimized to help you collect new data from your fanbases.

Email and phone number collection is built in from day 1 - but that’s just the start: the real unlock comes from understanding more about your audience - what do they like, where are they from, how’d they find you, why are they a fan.

We’ve built in robust customization and tracking, to give you limitless flexibiliy when it comes to using this playbook.

You can make a Data Collector by going to the Website tab, hitting Create New Website, and selected “Collect Fan Data“.

📝 Collect anything with Custom Fields

Traditional email + phone number signup tools are very powerful, but we think there’s power in asking your audience more nuanced questions.

Our 📝 Custom Fields feature lets you ask ANYTHING you want from your audience, to better understand, segment, and foster your relationship with your fans.

Ask for their IG handle. TikTok handle. Favorite color. Favorite song. How they found you. Where they’re from, and where you should tour. Their astrology sign. Anything. Lots of customization is opened up with this tool.

Pro Exclusive: Custom Fields are a Pro-only feature, but users on the Free Plan can still collect unlimited emails, numbers, and names.

🎨 Customize your Data Collector with our new Editor


The Data Collector can be fully customized with our newly launched Website Editor. This is just the start of our journey into building this tool - and we’re excited to continue iterating, tweaking, and adding more tools to give creatives the best canvas for building their websites.

Among the customization options:

  • new themes and templates, including a full video player

  • 14 custom fonts

  • custom colors - with a predefined list automatically pulled based on your artwork colors

  • customizable URL (with custom domains OTW)

  • ability to add social icons

Pro Exclusive: Pro Users will have full access to our customization toolset, and Free users will get a few themes as a starting point to get things moving. We want everyone to win!

📈 Download + track your fan data

We’re big believers in data transparency and helping people own their data. Once you start getting submissions, all of the data feeds into your Dashboard, where you’ll be able to Download a CSV at anytime.

You’ll also be able to track visits, page views, and more interesting demographics like Top Countries + Top Cities. Let us know if there’s anything else you’d like to see.

We haven’t built the ability to email or text through Symphony quite yet, but if you’d like to reach out to your audience, we recommend downloading a CSV and importing your list a mailing platform. We’ll be adding more seamless ways to connect with your audiences soon!

🔗 Connect your pixels to maximize growth

Symphony’s Website toolset is hyper-optimized for marketing, and integrates directly into our Marketing toolset.

You can connect your TikTok Pixel, Google Analytics and Facebook Pixel, with more ad platform integrations on the way. We also have automated Conversions tracking - since we’ve built full support for the Facebook Conversions API, every Website you publish, is already built to track events with Conversions.

The best ad tech + the best websites = more growth for everyone.

👨🏽‍🏫 Join our Webinar to Learn Best Practices

I’m super hyped to lead our next Symphony best practices webinar - this time focusing on our latest feature, the Data Collector playbook, and how to maximize it to grow your email list and make more money.

This is one of our most flexible tools, and I’ve been scheming on a lot of playbooks that I’m hype to share with everyone - full rollout plans constructed around using Symphony to drive awareness thru ads, and then using symphony again to start building your email list.

This webinar will be free + open to everyone, and RSVP is below - I’m excited to share these ideas with everyone!

Webinar Details:

  • 📅 When: Tuesday, April 2nd

  • Time: 1 PM EST

👀 What’s next…

We love building things. We have so many ideas of where to take the platform. What’s top of mind is: giving more tools for artists and creatives to educate themselves on how to use their data.

Phase 1 was building the tools, that help people get the job done in a really seamless, powerful, and affordable way.

Phase 2 is going to be about visualizing audiences in a more meaningful way, to help people make better decisions and maximize their budget + growth.

The next month or two will be focused on adding long awaiting improvements like international presaves, tools for teams, and some bug + interface cleanup.

But then we’re building phase 2 😈

As always, please reach out with any ideas - we love hearing from the community. We appreciate your support!